Browsing by Department > Department of Electrical Engineering

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Showing results 293 to 312 of 333 < previous   next >
2013Speciality polymer optical fibres for sensing applicationsPun, Chi Fung
2018Spectral sub-band synthesis using multiple independent lasers and receiver DSP for high baud-rate single-carrier Tb/s transmissionsWong, Yin Tat
1998Static var compensator design for improving large scale power system dampingCheung, Chun-keung
2019Stimulated Brillouin scattering effect in delivery fibre of high-power narrow linewidth laserTsang, Ming Yan
2020Stimulated raman dispersion spectroscopy with hollow-core fiber : from fundamental principles to applicationsBao, Haihong
2005Stochastic studies of overvoltages resulting from circuit breaker operation in industrial installationsWong, Sze-mei
2004Structured optical fibre gratings for communication and sensing applicationsZhang, A. Ping
2007Studies on lateral control and lane changing algorithms for application in autonomous vehiclesHo, Man-lung
2003Studies on map building and exploration strategies for autonomous mobile robots (AMR)Ip, Ying-leung Johnny
2020Study of hierarchical control of microgridsWen, Zihan
2012Study of optical fiber grating sensors fabricated by femtosecond laser pulsesLiao, Changrui
2014Study of optical fiber in-line sensors based on inner air cavityHu, Tianyi
2020Study of secondary control strategies of microgrids with high voltage qualityZhai, Yueting
2006A study of the IEEE 1394 cluster and its application in parallel transportation simulation systemsYu, Yong
2022Study of wireless power transfer in dynamic vehicular system and other applicationsChen, Kaiwen
2021Study on PMU-enabled Cyber-physical power systemYou, Yi
2014Suspended-core photonic microcells made by post-processing micro-structured optical fibersWang, Chao
2000Symbiosis of fuzzy systems and genetic algorithms for modelling and controlChan, Ping-tong
2017Synchrophasor technology and its application in power systemWu, Ting
1995Time-domain simulation of switching-mode power supply in class E configurationLau, Mun-kwan