Browsing by Department > Department of Electrical Engineering

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Showing results 57 to 76 of 333 < previous   next >
2021Cooperative management of microgrids systems with distributed energy resourcesLi, Qing
2019Cooperative planning and multi-objective operation of electric vehicle charging stationsZhang, Xian
1999Coordinated power control of unified power flow controller and its application for enhancing dynamic power system performanceFang, Wanliang
2019Copper chalcogenides-based thermoelectric material for energy conversion applicationShi, Dongliang
2021Core@shell-structured nanomaterials as catalytic electrodes for rechargeable lithium–based batteriesMan, Long Hin
2021Cyber physical power system modelling and stability analysisCheng, Yitao
2012Damping controller designs to suppress inter-area oscillations in power systems by using novel eigenstructure-based indexesKe, Deping
2015DC magnetoelectric sensors for electrical monitoring applicationsZhang, Long
2001Decentralized artificial intelligent traffic controlHeung, Tsan-hing
2005Deregulation of Hong Kong electricity supply industry : market modelling and technical studySo, Wing-ping
2014Design and advanced control of active suspension system with linear actuatorLin, Jiongkang
1999Design and analysis of fiber optic gratingsYu, Tin-fu
2021Design and analysis of high-torque-density direct-drive in-wheel vernier permanent magnet synchronous machine for electric vehiclesJiang, Mingyuan
2005Design and analysis of power factor correction zero-current switching switched-capacitor quasi-resonant convertersLaw, Ka-kuen
2020Design and analyze of a novel spherical motor for the robot applicationLi, Chang
2000Design and development of an efficient simulation software for power supply distribution system in the MTR CorporationChan, Kwok-leung
2009Design and optimisation of the performance of switched reluctance motor drivesWong, Ka-fai
2021Design and optimization of dual-permanent-magnet-excited motors and its applicationLin, Qifang
2009Design of advanced HID headlamp system, auto light beam level control and glaring preventionChan, Chik-kee
2008Design of an automatic power quality monitoring system by using integrated approachSiu, Hon-kwong