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Showing results 51 to 70 of 404 < previous   next >
2010Comparison of prevalence of quaternary ammonium compounds resistant genes G,H,J between general public and nurses in Hong KongYe, Huifen
2016Comparison of real-time quantitative PCR and droplet digital PCR for HIV viral load quantificationTse, Wing Lam Wynne
2010Comparison of the incidence of chromosome 4q deletion between Chinese multiple myeloma patients and Caucasian multiple myeloma patients by using interphase flurorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)Lam, Lai-ying
2010A comparison of using aortic cross-sectional area and maximum diameter in computed tomographic assessment of the growth of abdominal aortic aneurysmWong, Man-bong
2008Comparison on hinged ankle splint, elastic ankle splint and air-stirrup on lateral cutting movement and drop landingChoy, Tak-shun
2006A compliance study of the patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis to orthotic interventionCheng, Wing-yiu
2020Comprehensive characterization of drug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis using high throughput sequencingTulu, Ketema Tafess
2006Computational and experimental analysis of the use of lower-limb prostheses : concerning comfort, structural design and gait performanceLee, Chiu-chun Winson
2021Computed tomography based lung function mapping using deep learning for functional lung avoidance radiation therapyRen, Ge
2009Computer aided detection method for early detection of cerebrovascular accidentNg, Kei-shing Douglas
2007Computer aided diagnosis of acute intracranial hemorrhage on brain CTChan, Tao
2008Computerized handwriting evaluation system for handwriting difficultyWong, Hoi-cheung Louis
2016Conjugation in escherichia coli : an investigation on plasmid-mediated antimicrobial resistanceYao, Mianzhi
2022Construction of Lux-based promoter-reporter platforms in mycobacterium bovis BCG for screening new anti-TB drugsZhu, Li
2011Correlation of quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen and HBV DNA levels in chronic hepatitis B patientMak, Siu-san
2015Correlation study of the phytochemical composition and the neuroprotective bioactivity of Gastrodia elata from different sourcesTang, Yat Man James
2014Correlational study of animal cancer growth and plasma taurine levels quantified by the optimized wooden tips ESI-MS assaySiu, Lai Ting
2012Could clinical ultrasound improve the fitting of spinal orthosis for patients with AIS?Li, Meng
2014The cytoprotective role of autophagy in podocytesKang, Yulin
2011The cytotoxic effect of Rhizoma coptidis, Radix scutellariae, and Cortex phellodendri chinensis on human corneal epithelial cells (CRL-11135)Yau, Kwok-cheung Philip