Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 342  next >
20233D vehicle positioning with smartphone-based hybrid techniques in urban areasWang, Jingxian
20043D visualization of the IHO standard electronic navigational chart dataset with a marine GIS modelChau, Chun-ming
2009Accuracy analysis of airborne LiDAR dataMan, Guanghua
2019Accuracy assessment for spatiotemporal data fusionLiang, Zicong
2019Accuracy enhancement of land vehicle positioning using digital mapXia, Chenrui
2020Accurate deformation isolation in MTInSAR: parameter modeling and estimationLiang, Hongyu
2002Adoption and adaptation of digital photogrammetry in a Hong Kong survey practiceHo, Chi-ho Eddie
2024Advancing the understanding of soil drought dynamics and mechanisms in a warming climateQing, Yamin
2024The agglomeration economies in the megaregional context : a spatial and functional perspective using geospatial analyticsYu, Zidong
2008Agricultural lot boundary re-establishment by old aerial photograph and topographic mapZhang, Ran
2006Algorithmic development of an optimal path computation model based on topographic map featuresTang, Yuet-fong Mandy
2013Algorithms for wireless sensor network localization based on received signal strength indicationWei, Bing
2009An alternative DGPS algorithm for GPS mobile phoneWang, Ning
2011Analysis and monitoring of PM2.5 particle pollution in Hong KongWang, Jingzhi
2002An analysis of accessibility measures for school trip in Hong Kong by using geographic information systems (GIS)Ma, Ming-lai
2013The analysis of Beijing atmospheric particulates based On GIS and molecular biology methodsYan, Xing
2015Analysis of Chinese LBSN business models based on four-box approachWan, Qifan
2013Analysis of spatial differentiation of merchandise residence prices in ShenzhenQiu, Yue
2011Analysis of spatial distribution of heavy metal pollution in Hong Kong Island by using an integrated interpolation methodHuang, Chao
2019Analysis of the distribution patterns of rental housing tenants in Hong KongChan, Wing Yee