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Showing results 258 to 277 of 342 < previous   next >
2009The re-establishment of old schedule lot boundaries in WuKaiSha VillageHao, Jiahao
2024Real-time photogrammetry based on parallel architecture for 3D applicationsChen, Long
2011Real-time SMS warning visualization system based on HTML5Jiang, Haocheng
2011Realization and comparison of routing algorithm based on mobile platformJiao, Gengwei
2011Realization of buffer function based on Windows Mobile System platformJiao, Wei
2012The reconstruction of 3-dimensional electron density distribution with ground-based GPS data and occultation dataXu, Zhe
2017Reconstruction of historical datasets for analyzing spatiotemporal influence of urban morphology on microclimate, a study of Kowloon PeninsulaPeng, Fen
2020Relation-based modelling of point cloud for 3D city reconstructionLi, Yuan
2000Reliability of spatial data and its analysis in GISCheung, Chui-kwan
2017Remote sensing of atmospheric water vapor field with tomography using multi-sensor dataChen, Biyan
2000Remote sensing of atmospheric water vapor using GPS data in the Hong Kong RegionLiu, Yanxiong
2017Remote sensing of forest succession in Hong Kong's country parksAbbas, Sawaid
2016Remote sensing of mountain glaciers over the Qinghai-Tibet PlateauKe, Linghong
2008Research and implement on basic function of embedded GISJin, Bochen
2018A research of physiological equivalent temperature using ENVI-met stimulation model, a study in Central, Hong KongMa, Qianyun
2018A research of spatial structure and estimation of further urban planning based on weighting, a study in Bao An District, Shen ZhenWang, Ke
2018Research of turbulence intensity and other atmospheric parameters to evaluate the navigation accuracy of automatic-dependent-surveillance systemZhong, Lin
2020Research on the hydrological effects of urbanization based on multiple-source geospatial dataFaridatul, Mst Ilme
2012A research on uncertainty evaluation index for line elementHu, Huan Jun
2009Retrieval of aerosol optical thickness at 500m resolution using MODIS images : a study in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta regionWong, Man-sing