Browsing by Department > Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies

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Showing results 75 to 94 of 135 < previous   next >
2022Multistage route optimization with vessel repositioning and cargo flows under uncertaintyWu, Yiwei
2022New algorithms for integrated production and transportation scheduling problems with committed delivery due datesXu, Shifu
2015New algorithms for two logistics optimization problemsLai, Xiaofan
2021On sustainabilityChen, Shanyin Helen
2016On the value of demand information disseminationHao, Zhongyuan
2019Optimization applications in maritime logistics and operationsWang, Kai
2021Optimizing queues with sunk cost fallacyYang, Liutao
2016The performance impact of operational improvement competence in service operationsYang, Yefei
2023A polyhedral study on unit commitment with a single type of binary variablesTian, Bin
2024Prescriptive analytics in maritime transportationTian, Xuecheng
2015Quantitative analysis in supply chain outsourcingJiang, Yanmin
2024Recycled label design and green competitionZhang, Xiaoli
2018The relationship between servitization and firm performance in manufacturing firms : an empirical study based on panel dataWang, Weijiao
2011Relationships between the freight and ship markets in the dry bulk and tanker sectorsKou, Ying
2020Research on impacts of online reviews from channel perspectivesYang, Wenjuan
2022Research study on healthcare management operations and marketing interfaceZhang, Ping
2016Revenue management : bundling, competing in size and channelLiao, Peng
2023Robust optimization for generalized project networksChen, Siyuan
2021Routing optimization for emerging transportation systemsZhang, Wei
2020Schedule and subsidy optimization under green shipping strategiesZhuge, Dan