Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 173 to 192 of 492 < previous   next >
2013Fabrication and characterization of high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cell based on TiO₂nanofiber photoanodeYang, Lijun
2017Fault diagnosis of sensor networked complex structures : a virtual beam-like structure approachWang, Hong
1999The feedback control of thermal noise from a Rijke tubeLam, Tak-wah
2003Fiber optic white light interferometric sensors for structural monitoringYuan, Libo
2001Fixture configuration design for sheet metal assembly with laser weldingLi, Bing
2018Flame stabilization in gas-fueled inverse diffusion flames and liquid-fueled swirling combustionZhu, Xuren
2020Flexible broadband acoustic metamaterialsLiang, Shanjun
2022Flexural wave mitigation and utilization through electro-mechanical coupling in an acoustic black hole beamZhang, Linli
2008Flow characteristics and particle deposition in multi-generation human lung airwaysLuo, Haiyan
2024Flow control of bluff bodyZeng, Lingwei
2011Flow induced vibration and noise control with flowLiu, Yang
2014The flow structure around an Ahmed vehicle model and its active controlZhang, Bingfu
2000Flow visualization of thermal jet with low velocity under a cross-flowFung, King-tak
2012Flow-through silencer design to control low-frequency noiseHu, Qi
2022Fluid-structure interaction of compliant vessels with pulsatile flowsAi, Chunhui
2003Fluid-structure interactions of an oscillating cylinder in cross flow in the presence of a neighbouring cylinderXu, Shengjin
2006Forced convection and fluid friction in a horizontal triangular duct with uniformly ribbed or grooved internal surfacesLuo, Dandan
2022A framework based on flexible transducers and zero group velocity lamb mode for the evaluation of impact damageLuo, Guojie
2021Free falling of eccentric cylinder in quiescent waterYeung, Wai Kin
2020Frequency domain methods for fault diagnosis in complex structures with inherent nonlinearitiesLi, Quankun