Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 190 to 209 of 495 < previous   next >
2022A framework based on flexible transducers and zero group velocity lamb mode for the evaluation of impact damageLuo, Guojie
2021Free falling of eccentric cylinder in quiescent waterYeung, Wai Kin
2020Frequency domain methods for fault diagnosis in complex structures with inherent nonlinearitiesLi, Quankun
2020Fundamental investigation on laminar premixed combustion and flame dynamics of bio-syngasZhou, Quan
2024Geometrically nonlinear features of acoustic black hole (ABH) beams and nonlinearity-enhanced ABH EffectsSun, Xiang
2019Graphene nanoparticle-functionalized polymer composites for self-sensing ultrasonic waves : an initiative towards "sensor-free" structural health monitoringLi, Yehai
2004Hard chrome plating for ring grooves of piston crownNing, Andrew
2006Heat transfer characteristics of impinging premixed flame jet with induced swirlHuang, Xiaoqun
1999Heat transfer of an impinging turbulent jet on a heated rectangular plate with vapourisationLo, Chi-ming
2023High entropy materials (HEMs) for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteriesRaza, Hassan
2023High entropy oxides (HEOs) for chlorine evolution reactionKandasamy, Subash
2021High precision tracking of UAVJiang, Bailun
2019Hybrid aeroacoustic simulation using conservation element and solution element methodChan, Yui Ho
2017A hybrid approach for quantitative evaluation of residual torque of loose bolts in bolted joints using passive and active acousto-ultrasonics : theory, simulation and experimental validationZhang, Zhen
2013Hybrid passive/active duct noise control by using micro-perforated platesWang, Xiaonan
2012Identification of damages in steel structures using guided wave methodLu, Mingyu
2014Identification of structural damage based on locally perturbed dynamic equilibrium : a "pseudo-excitation" (PE) techniqueXu, Hao
2007Improvement of the mechanical properties of polymer-based materials using layered silicates for product developmentLam, Chun-ki
2020Improvement of the performance for perovskite solar cellLi, Yun
2010Improving the speech intelligibility in classroomsLam, Choi Ling Coriolanus