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Showing results 100 to 119 of 352 < previous   next >
2019Geographic and segment diversification of investment banks : competitive aspirations in a global landscapePark, Joohong Robert
2016Goal orientations, decision motives and academic performanceWong, Tik Lun Franko
2021Hedge fund activism : a corporate finance perspectiveDo Ngoc, Olivier Dung
2019Hedge fund awards : the impact on investors and managersChoi, Hyung Kyu
2021Help yourself by serving others : the effect of a daily within-person servant leadership intervention on leaders’ energy and leadership behaviorsLeung, Oi Ting Cecilia
2014Home bias, investor sentiments and international portfolio managementChiang, Hsin Eric
2021How Chinese elderly consumers respond to social media marketingCher, Chi Yuen Terence
2023How does job rotation influence management trainees' leadership development? The role of career initiative and design of job rotationHuang, Ning
2023How to retain the millennials : a 12-week study on job engagement, organizational commitment and retentionLaw, Pak Kin Patrick
2015The illiquidity of the Asian USD bond market : does illiquidity explain the credit spread puzzle?Cheon, Byung Kyu
2024Impact of CEO characteristics on firm performance in the fintech industry over the COVID-19 periodLi, Chi King
2017The impact of corporate governance on firm performance during crises : an empirical study for the global ship-owning industryBao, Yidong
2023Impact of digitalization on operational efficiency : an empirical investigationJiang, Chang
2013The impact of dynamic capabilities, manufacturing flexibility, organizational ambidexterity on firm performance : a theoretical model and an empirical studyTao, Shiu Chung Spencer
2022The impact of economic policy uncertainty on the sensitivity between report readability and M&A activitiesLiu, Tsz Chung Michael
2022The impact of ESG performance on credit rating and capital structure, and how it alleviate financial constraintsKing, Yuk Shun Augusto
2022The impact of facebook engagements on brand trust and word of mouth : an empirical study of the energy utility industry in Hong KongHo, Ming Wai Celine
2019The impact of humor on others' helping intention : the shadow of clown personalityWu, Wai Yee
2023The impact of industry 4.0 on supply chain capability and resilience : a resource-based viewHuang, Wen-ko
2014The impact of information exchange on strategic alliance performance in an uncertain environment : a study of contractual joint ventures in ChinaKwok, Chi Yun Francis