Browsing by Department > Multi-disciplinary Studies

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Showing results 1039 to 1058 of 1727 < previous   next >
1995Numerical modeling of indoor radon concentration distribution within an air-conditioned spaceLee, Chi-kin
1998Numerical simulation of thin film transistorsFung, Lai-wah
2002Numerical study of risk management modelsCheng, Hei-tung
1998The nurse specialist role : perceptions of the nurse specialists, doctors and staff nursesChang, Ka-pik Katherine
1999Nurses' attitudes towards breast-feedingMak, Yim-wah
1998Nurses' job satisfaction : long-term-care vs short-term-care settingsChan, See-lan Shirley
1999Nurses' perceptions of their roles in resolving ethical dilemmasCheng, Choi-kuen Karen
1999A nursing assessment of the health status of older people after discharge from hospitalLeung, Mui-ying Rita
1998Nursing students' perspective of clinical role model : implications for nursing educationChau, Wai-ling Florence
1999Object model verification using knowledge base approachLee, Wai-kit Ricky
2000Object recognition using multi-resolution wavelet transformCheng, Kim-ho
1999Object-oriented approach for timetablingChan, Choi-wing
2002Objective and subjective measures of the provision of custom special seating systemChan, Shuk-wai Jenny
1998Objective measure of speech intelligibility : a case study of public address system in Hong Kong Lantau Airport Railway ProjectChan, Chan-ping
1997Occupational stress among Hong Kong secondary school teachersYeung, Hon-keung Larry
1997Octree reinforced thin shell objects rapid prototypingCheung, Kin-ming
1999Odour impact assessment & analysis at seven refuse collection points in Hong KongLoh, Yew-leong Lawrence
1998On a heat conduction and convection channel flowLeung, Fat-choi
2001On the integration of symmetry and template metrics to the active contour model and its fast implementationNgan, Hon-chung William
1997On the issues of applying the hardware reduction algorithm to practical linear analog circuitsWong, Kwong-yin