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Showing results 38 to 57 of 722 < previous   next >
2011Banner advertisement and negative online reviews : an analysis of their interaction in customers' perception of hotel imageChen, Yanbin
2024Behavioral economic analysis of tourism demandLin, Gabrielle
2004Brand management in China's hotel industryChen, Mengchao Michael
2019Bridging spatial and social mobility : a phenomenology of Chinese sojourners in the peripheryHao, Fei
2023Camping experiences in Hong Kong : evidence of value co-creationKam, Sun
2021Can amount of information and information presentation reduce choice overload? An empirical study of online hotel bookingGuo, Rui
2023Can emotional solidarity bury the hatchet of tourist stereotypes? Exploring the power of host-tourist interaction from a new perspectiveTan, Guoxiong
2021Capturing Chinese middle class in the context of luxury consumption : a comparison between personal luxury goods and luxury hotel servicesYoelao, Woraprat
2009Celebrity endorsement effectiveness for print destination advertisingVeen, Robert van der
2021Challenges of IT applications in hotel management : a study of hotels in GuangzhouLi, Yin Ching Carrie
2017The change of hotel female GM's inter- and intra-personal life in the process of career pursuitsWu, Shu-fen Monica
2021Characteristics and critical success factors of virtual hotel operator : management and owners’ perspectivesPutra, Raden Fajar Kusnadi Kusumah
2023Children’s diaspora tourism and its implication on national identityLiu, Weiwei
2010The China factor and its influence on FDI decisions in China's hotel real estate sectorGrunewald, Alexander
2013China group travel to the USA : a case study of service perceptions & issues from inbound tour leaders' perspectivesTormey III, Joseph L.
2022Chinese outbound tourists' perception of driver-guide tours : a qualitative application of TPB modelLiu, Chenghua
2023Chinese seniors’ domestic travel motivations from generational cohort perspective : evidence from fourth- and fifth-tier citiesWan, Fangzhou
2017Chinese tourism to Scandinavia : understanding tourism distributionJoergensen, Matias Thuen
2002The Chinese urban senior traveler market and its potential for travel agency industryLuo, Jiang Bo Bob
2011Climate changers : an exploratory study of hospitality and tourism students' future low carbon travel intentionPang, Feng-hsien Sharon