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Showing results 118 to 137 of 722 < previous   next >
2010Econometric analysis of tourist expendituresWu, Chenguang
2007Economic impact and satisfaction level analysis in China Hi-tech Fair 2006 in ShenzhenJiang, Xu
2016The effect of customer participation on employee innovative behaviorLi, Minglong
2019The effect of loss aversion on the relationship between hotel loyalty programs and customer loyaltyTao, Wei
2014The effect of Thai national culture and cross-cultural competency on multi-cultural team performance : a study of multi-national hotel chains in ThailandSucher, Worarak
2011The effect of the relationship between a CVB and its stakeholders on a CVB's performance from the stakeholder's perspectiveLee, Hye Rin
2019The effects of animosity, tourist ethnocentrism and national identity on country image : a study of intention to visit Mainland China among Hong Kong residentsChiu, Wai Ling Winnie
2011Effects of brand relationship quality on responses to service failure of hotel consumersXie, Danhong
2014The effects of corporate social responsibility on brand awareness and brand image : a comparison of international and domestic hotel brands in ChinaOuyang, Zhe
2012The effects of experiential learning, motivation to learn and employability skills on learning satisfaction of hotel entry level employees in the Chinese mainlandYang, Huijun
2012Effects of formal mentoring quality on hospitality interns' job satisfaction : organizational trust as a potential moderatorChang, Hsiu Ying Ann
2012The effects of hospitality students' post-internship managerial competencies, work attitudes, and internship satisfaction on future career intentions in TaiwanFang, Ching Ching Brenda
2015Effects of information characteristics in a social media context on travellers' perceived decision-making speed and confidence : an exploratory study from the perspective of human information processingMa, Caiwei
2007The effects of motivation, past experience, perceived constraint, and attitude on tourist revisit intentionHuang, Songshan Sam
2020Effects of national cultures on the development of digital business models in the travel industryPerelygina, Mariia
2008The effects of perceived parental influences and work values on career choice intention of hospitality and tourism management students in ChinaLiu, Jing
2009The effects of political power, political ideology, interest groups and the government on the making of Chinese outbound tourism policies : from the perspective of policy changeYan, Qi York
2014The effects of psychographics on behavioral intention : a study of Mainland Chinese leisure tourists to TaiwanHsueh, Ching Tsu Amy
2020Effects of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employee behavioral intention through employee attitude, job satisfaction and organizational commitment with CSR-implementing hotelWong, King Fung
2012Effects of tourist complaining constraints on justice perceptions and loyalty intention : using culture and magnitude as moderatorsEkiz, Haktan Erdogan