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Showing results 11393 to 11412 of 13315 < previous   next >
1999A study on the quality of service provided by a testing laboratoryLee, Kai-wei
2013A study on the reading strategies of CSL adult learnersKe, Sihui
2017Study on the relationship among tourist experience, perceived value, tourist satisfaction and behavioral intention with smart tourism product/serviceChen, Chen
2000A study on the relationship between adolescent new immigrants' adjustment in school and self-esteemLui, Wai-ling Irene
1999Study on the relationship between employment status and quality of life of ex-mentally ill patientsLeung, Shui-toi Polo
2011A study on the relationship between parental religious involvement and child development in Hong KongYeung, Wai-keung Jerf
2017A study on the relationship between park cooling effect and surrounding buildingsShan, Boyang
1997A study on the relationship between the perceived leadership style of the Chinese top management and the intraprenerial orientation of the Hong Kong textile & clothing industryLai, Wing-sheung Andrea
2000A study on the relationship of staff orientation on absenteeism with a special reference to the human capital theoryFan, Sui-hung Edmond
1996A study on the relationships between the decision-making of tolerating the spouses' extra-marital affairs and women's oppressionKwok, Chi-ying
2009A study on the relationships between water quality, production and food conversion ratio on channel catfish : Ictalurus punctatusZhong, Dan
2023A study on the relationships of English learning beliefs, English classroom anxiety, and English achievement among post-2000s generation non-English majorsChu, Yue
2012Study on the relationships of housing selling price, land transaction price and house rent priceZhao, Apei
2002A study on the reliability and validity of Chinese version Developmental Test of Visual Perception - 2nd edition (motor-reduced) for preschoolersLai, Shuk-yi Lousia
1994Study on the response of a beam in ultrasonic bath operating at the resonant frequency of the beam and the associated effects on cleaningFok, Kai-fai
2024A study on the role of government in the promotion of inclusive credit developmentChun, Man Kit Vic
2013A study on the roles and responsibilities of construction supervision engineers in construction quality control in ChinaYang, Yang
2000A study on the self-image of secondary school students in Hong Kong and how it relates to their buying attitudes toward jeansTsang, Mei-mei
2007A study on the sexual and intimacy issues of male stroke survivors in Hong KongMa, Tsz-hin Benny
2010Study on the shape memory mechanism of SMPUs and development of high-performance SMPUsJi, Fenglong