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Showing results 5373 to 5392 of 13319 < previous   next >
2014General Regression Neural Network based time series modelling for prediction and analysis of construction equipment maintenance costsYip, Hon Lun
1996A general-purpose [school] timetable plannerLau, Chi-kan
2022Generalizable deep learning for structural health monitoring : from graph formulation to domain adaptationChen, Sixin
2002Generalized convexity in optimizationYang, Xinmin
2012Generalized form characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces using an invariant feature-based pattern analysisRen, Mingjun
2005Generalized Newton-type methods and their applicationsLing, Chen
2000Generalized pseudo-excitation method and its application for vibration control of wind/seismic resistant buildingsZhang, Wenshou
1994Generalized RISC simulatorHui, Chi-kwok
2022Generalizing oversampling methods from euclidean space data to graph structured data for the class imbalance problemLiu, Yongxu
2015Generating 3D property units in 3D cadastre from BIM model with case study in Hong KongYe, Lichao
2003Generation and kinetic characterization of hybrid beta-lactamasesLiu, Hongbing
2023Generation of high-quality daily nighttime light time series through uncertainty modelling and cloud removalTan, Xiaoyue
2015Generation Y's perception and involvement in homestay programmes : a case study of Kampung Sarang Buaya, Muar, Johor, MalaysiaKamisan, Bin Pusiran
2018Generational differences in the perceived hospitality culture, hospitality job characteristics and job satisfaction on intention to leave and intention to stay in Hong Kong hotel industryYip, Wai-lam Lawrence
2004Generic methodology for the design and development of a responsive product development systemLee, Ka-man
2004Generic methodology for the design and development of an intelligent optimization systemLeung, Wai-kei
1997A generic post-processor for numerical control systemLi, Wai-keung
2011Genes involved in cell migration signaling pathways induced by the p110δ isoform of class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase in glioblastoma multiformeOr, Mei-li
1998Genetic algorithm approach to scheduling of generatorsTuen, Kin-wa
2006A genetic algorithm based approach for clustering categorical dataLee, Ho-kei Sean