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Showing results 5393 to 5412 of 13312 < previous   next >
2003Genetic detection of bladder cancer by microsatellite analysis on p16 and p53 tumour suppressor genes in local ChineseLee, Chui-ping
2012A genetic epidemiological study of myopia : identification of myopia susceptibility genesYiu, Wai Chi
2019Genetic mechanism of enhanced virulence in mycobacterium tuberculosis strain isolated from patient with tuberculosis meningitisRajwani, Rahim
2001Genetic predisposition to breast cancer in ChineseChu, Lai-ling
2019Genome-based insights into the characteristics of anammox bacteria for nitrogen removal from wastewaterJi, Xiaoming
2021Genomic analysis elucidating celluloysis of chemical enhanced primary sludge in anaerobic digestion toward crabon neutral sewage treatment in Hong KongZhuang, Huichuan
2019Genomic analysis of the diversity, virulence and antimicrobial resistance in clinical klebsiella pneumoniae from ChinaDong, Ning
2007Genomic sequence search and clustering using Q-gramYuen, Man-chun
2001A genre analysis of biographyMoy, Ka-ling Karen
2016Genre analysis of insurance promotional brochures in Hong KongXie, Xiaoying
2018Genre, multimodality and marketized university discourse : a diachronic analysis of university annual reports in Hong KongDeng, Yi
2013A genre-based comparative study of Heroic MythsTang, Zhecheng Claire
2020A genre-based multi-dimensional analysis of English academic writing: the case of mainland ChinaHu, Haipeng
2019Geographic and segment diversification of investment banks : competitive aspirations in a global landscapePark, Joohong Robert
1997A geographic information system for dynamic path finding and route planning systemCheng, Wai-pun
2019Geomechanical behavior of methane hydrate bearing sediments : from laboratory to field scaleXie, Xiaoguang
2007Geometric positioning and mapping system by machine vision technologyLai, Chun-cheung
2024Geometrically nonlinear features of acoustic black hole (ABH) beams and nonlinearity-enhanced ABH EffectsSun, Xiang
2022Geophysical investigation of the lithospheric structure beneath the Indian OceanRathnayake Mudiyanselage, Samurdhika P R
1995Geotechnical design using fuzzy setsMak, Shu-hei