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Showing results 778 to 797 of 13315 < previous   next >
2015Auditors' response to analysts' forecast properties : some evidence from audit pricingFoo, Yin Yen William
2005The augmented Lagrangian methods and applicationsZhou, Yuying
2001Auricular therapy and insomnia in the elderlySuen, Kwai-ping Lorna
2012Authenticating moving spatial queriesYung, Ka-Wai
2004Authenticating personal identities using palmprint recognitionLi, Wenxin
2009Authentication in wireless mesh networkZhang, Yixiu
1999Auto-tuning of fuzzy logic controllers for self-regulating processesChan, Kui-kee
1998Auto-tuning of power system stabilizer (PSS)Li, Tze-chung
1997Auto-tuning PID controller using neural networkBui, Tai-wah
2024Automated and non-invasive mental fatigue assessment of construction equipment operatorsMehmood, Imran
2019Automated blood detection for endoscopic imagesXu, Nan
2024Automated construction worker productivity assessment using sensor fusion approachesGong, Yue
2000Automated form readingChu, Kim-ching
2014Automated generation of adaptive schematic network mapsTi, Peng
2020Automated generation of labelled schematic network mapsLan, Tian
2010Automated multi-level spatial database for GIS applicationTong, Man-kong
2016Automated recognition of urban areas based on land cover composition and configurationOu, Yang
2014The automated road network schematization by using straight and curved linesLi, Chen
1996Automatic assembly lines using back-propagation neural network for pattern recognitionNg, Pan-yau
1997Automatic brake pad gauging by machine visionLee, Tak-shing