Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Mathematics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 185  next >
2018Adaptation of extrapolation techniques in the proximal gradient algorithm and an iteratively reweighted l₁ algorithmYu, Peiran
2015Adaptive and parallel variational multiscale method for the Navier-Stokes equationsXie, Cong
2017Advances in stochastic volatility modelingWang, Qingzheng
2013Algorithms and applications of semidefinite space tensor conic convex programXu, Yi
2006American option pricing and penalty methodsZhang, Kai
2018Analysis of age-structured population growth for single speciesLiu, Kaihui
2015Analysis of dual-listed companies in mainland and Hong KongBai, Yu
2020Analysis of hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases between 2010 to 2017 in Hong KongZhang, Qinyi
2000Application of tabu search algorithm for vehicle routing problemLai, Chung-hei
1999Applying simulated annealing for the maximal covering location problem with an enhanced algorithmMok, Man-ho
2022Association tests with incomplete covariates and high-dimensional auxiliary variablesFeng, Jiahui
2005The augmented Lagrangian methods and applicationsZhou, Yuying
2021A Bayesian comparison in Stan and NIMBLE by trimmed mean regressionZhang, Lulu
2024Bayesian inference in epidemiology--modelling and prediction on infectious and chronic diseasesZhao, Yanji
2018Boundary layer problems in chemotaxis modelsHou, Qianqian
2020The BSDE solvers for high-dimensional PDEs and BSDEsDeng, Jie
2021Calculus of Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz exponents and its applications in the analysis of first-order methodsYu, Peiran
2017Characterization of turbulent premixed hydrogen-enriched methane-air flames using large eddy simulationCicoria, David Anthony
2019A class of two-stage stochastic quadratic programs with applications in oil marketShi, Yun
2007Co-ordinated supply chain management and optimal control problemsLee, Yu-chung Eugene