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Showing results 731 to 750 of 5930 < previous   next >
2007The consequences of perceived job insecurity and organizational cynicism in a post-merger organisationChow, Sin-ping Maria
2022Consideration of human visual mechanism for image white balanceLi, Yiqian
2019Constellation design analysis of color shift keying for visible light communicationAziz, Amena Ejaz
2018Constructing a model for functionality evaluation of the mobile version of hotel websitesLei, Kong Simon
2001Construction and evaluation of a green supply chainIp, Yan-keung Kenneth
2008Construction industry development and government policyChan, Wing-tung Patrick
2012Construction knowledge mining and application of generalized fuzzy network in construction decision managementZhou, Yuguang
2021Construction of a numerical platform for enzymatic saccharification and multi-sugars fermentation for simulation of whole slurry biorefineryChan, Ka Lai
2009Construction of adenoviruses and retroviruses of recombinant iron metabolism genes and their application in the studies on iron metabolismGe, Xiaohu
2002Construction of circular oligodeoxyribonucleotides on the structural basis of i-motifLiu, Dongsheng
2024The construction of corporate identities by Chinese and American airlines on social media : a cross-cultural multimodal studyHua, Ying
2023The construction of digital self-identity : with the focus on Chinese social media platformZhang, Wenjing
2020Construction of high-resolution lunar DEMs by fusing photogrammetry and shape-from-shadingLiu, Wai Chung
2022Construction of Lux-based promoter-reporter platforms in mycobacterium bovis BCG for screening new anti-TB drugsZhu, Li
2023Construction quality improvement by adopting worker-robot collaboration teams and decentralized blockchainsWu, Haitao
2015Construction settlement monitoring and thermal actions monitoring of supertall structuresSu, Jiazhan
2014Construing experience in tourism discourse : a corpus-based study of transitivity systemChen, Jiansheng
2019Construing musical discourses : axial reasoning for a contrastive description of habitual ideational resources in English and Korean, with reflection on translationMacdonald, Kathleen Anne
2019Construing pharmaceutical research : a social semiotic perspectiveZheng, Yaofei
2020Consumer behavior analysis based on smartphone sensory data using mobile augmented reality frameworkYang, Fan