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Showing results 4418 to 4437 of 5965 < previous   next >
2018Safe and non-fouling reactive antibacterial agents on cotton fabricsGuo, Yujuan
2011A safety culture study in elderly homesYeung, Koon Chuen
2018Safety of long-term ortho-k (SOLO) study : corneal and ocular microbiome changes in children undergoing orthokeratology treatment and concerns of children, parents and practitioners about the treatmentCheung, Sin Wan
2021Safety of professional drivers in Hong KongChen, Tiantian
2024Sales tournament, capital structure, and financial distress : a study of property developers in ChinaChan, Ling Wah Edward
2019Same firm, same news, different reaction empirical study on China A+H sharesDeng, Jianmin Dave
2022Satellite observation and modeling of operating reservoir-dam systemsXie, Lei
2023Satellite-based full-coverage aerosol optical depth and fine particulate matter estimationYu, Xinyu
2014Scalable service composition and reconfiguration in pervasive computing environmentsSiebert, Joanna Izabela
2008Scalable transmission solutions for media streaming in heterogeneous network environmentHo, King-man
2015Scale-driven clustering of geographical point dataLiu, Qiliang
2022Scan registration, mapping and semantic segmentation using mobile laser scanningChen, Pengxin
2020Schedule and subsidy optimization under green shipping strategiesZhuge, Dan
2015Scheduling of production and maintenance operations with mold maintenance considerationWong, Chun Sing
2021Scholarly writing development : complexity and evaluation in twentieth century linguists' semiotic trajectoriesGuerra Lyons, Jesus David
2020School-to-work transitions in the borderland: choices and experiences among youth from Kinmen,TaiwanYang, Chin-yi
2022The scientific basis of qigong as mind-body intervention to reduce foreign language anxietySo, Wing Yan
2004Scientific investigation of putative health benefits of Ganoderma lucidumWachtel-Galor, Sissi
2022Scoping review and clinical research on conservative interventions to adolescent idiopathic scoliosisGao, Chengfei
2024Screen-printed silicone-compression garment composite for hypertrophic scar treatmentLui, Kam Che