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Showing results 3253 to 3272 of 7339 < previous   next >
2014i*Chameleon : an MVC-based middleware framework for the support of multimodal application developmentLo, Wai Kwan
2014Iconic solidarity of comics canonical schema : a multimodal case study of narrative stages realisation on a Civil War comic chapterCheung, Hiu Laam Felix
2010Id-1 promotes cell proliferation through the activation of EGFR, NF-κB p50 homodimer and Bcl-3 in MCF-7 breast cancer cell lineKo, Wai Ting
2016An ideal window ratio for energy saving with integration of daylighting, electric lighting and air-conditioningWang, Xin
2013Identification and characterization of novel oncogenes located in a homogeneously staining region (HSR) of human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC)Liu, Di Christina
1998Identification of boiler using artificial neural networkMo, Kwok-wai Edmond
2008Identification of emerging trends and issues in low cost carriers industry in Asia PacificLee, So-min
2015Identification of ESBL strains in Hong Kong using MALDI-TOF MS-based assayLee, Wing Yu
2009Identification of factors affecting intention of performing hand hygiene practice among Hong Kong nurses : an application of the theory of planned behaviorTsang, Yuen-ki
2019Identification of mechanically exfoliated graphene and applications of graphene impermeabilityShen, Xinpeng
1999Identification of mycobacteria by computer-aided gas liquid chromatographyYiu, Lap-san
2001Identification of novel chloroquine resistance genes by using yeast complementation systemLau, Chi-keung
2007Identification of the effect of biomass burning on trace gases and aerosol at the remote sites of ChinaWong, Kam-hang Daniel
2019Identification of tree health status from multispectral high-resolution images using convolutional neural networksWang, Meilian
2021Identification, functional characterization and therapeutic implication of Akkermansia muciniphila in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-induced hepatocellular carcinomaChung, Po Sin
2014Identifying influential users by their postings in social networksSun, Beiming
2000Identifying obstacles and consumer selection criteria for a new web based publishing service : publishing on demandHui, Wai-to Ricky
2000Identifying success factors for information systems outsourcing : a public sector perspective in the HKSARLam, Yan-yan Irene
2015Identifying the needs of patients with hepatocellolar carcinoma (HCC) during treatment in Hong Kong and comparison with nurses' perceptionsKo, Hiu Ki Joanna
2012Identifying tyre influence on tyre/road noise emission using Close-proximity (CPX) methodHo, Ka-yee