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Showing results 6994 to 7013 of 7339 < previous   next >
2013WalK gene : mutation detection in non-susceptible Staphylococcus aureusUn, Cheuk Hang Henry
2013WalK gene mutation in Vancomycin Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) clinical strainsChow, Miu Yee Mandy
1997Warehouse cargo space allocation helperTsao, Chi-wai
2014Water efficiency for residential buildings of Hong KongZhao, Yuan
2018Water efficiency of kitchen faucet in manual dishwashingYim, Ka Chun Martin
2023Water harvesting by hierarchical surfaceWong, Hok Yin
2018Water purification using photocatalysis, ozonation and ultraviolet disinfectionTsoi, Chi Chung
2005Water requirements for fighting highrise building fires in Hong KongYu, Kam-shan Simon
2001Watermark techniques for digital imagesHo, Ka-po Salina
2002Waterproofing techniques & methodologies on repair of basement & superstructure constructionCheng, Cheong-kwai
2022Wave propagation and coupling characteristics in nonlinear elastic metamaterialsLi, Jieming
2013Wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networksDong, Tian
2000A wavelet based adaptive gridding algorithm for the finite difference time domain methodSun, Man-kin
1996Wavelet localization of tomography image reconstructionChan, Wai-yeung
1997Wavelet transformation in image processingChan, Sing-ping Edwin
2016Wavelet-based super-resolution and video codingLiu, Zhi Song
2005Waves and oscillation in vortex ringsHuang, Jun
2012Wavy deformations in fault gouge by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilityTsoi, Victoria
2010Web crawling : duplication and freshness of web pagesChoi, Kam-chang
2007Web crippling behaviour in cold-formed steel profiled deckings under lateral concentrated loadsTse, Wai-tak