Browsing by Degree > M.Phil.

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Showing results 1241 to 1260 of 1569 < previous   next >
1999Sleep behaviour of old people in Hong KongKwok, Yuk-sim Dorothy
2004Smoke spreading in vertical shafts in buildings with scale modelling techniqueTang, Pok-man
2020Sn-based organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite for high performance photodetectorsLiu, Chun Ki
2001The social construction of female sexuality in the context of Hong KongCheung, Choi-wan
2004The social construction of the disability : social inequality in Hong KongTam, Tat-sing
2001Social workers' conceptions of youth needs in children and youth service integrated teams : a hermeneutical inquiryChan, Chi-tat
2011Socially responsible supplier development and organizational performance : evidence from China manufacturersLu, Xiaoang
2006A sociological analysis of social exclusion : the case of new immigrants in Hong KongChan, Mei-ha Gloria
2004A sociological analysis of urban renewal in Hong KongWong, Shek-hung
2008A sol-gel encapsulated biomass process for the removal ofcopper(II) ions from water and wastewaterCheung, Oi-yee
2009Solid polymer electrolyte and its composites with functional ceramicsChau, Kam-hong
2006Solvent-free route for microwave-assisted organic synthesisChow, Wai-shan Toby
2022Solving the capacitated multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windowsZhang, Silong
2000Some numerical and theoretical results on a two-dimensional dam overflow problemLi, Tian-cheng
2002Sorption behaviour of radiocaesium in soilsCheung, Yin-ping Irene
2002Sorption studies of acid dyes on chitosanWong, Yu-chiu
2016Source camera identification with computational intelligence techniquesShi, Chao
2000Source-channel considerations for video transmission over lossy packet networksSo, Wong-chuen Joseph
2009A spatial econometric approach to model the growth of tourism flows to China citiesYang, Yang
2000Speaker verification based on probabilistic neural networks with a priori decision thresholdsYiu, Kwok-kwong Michael