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Showing results 874 to 893 of 1569 < previous   next >
2002Machine layout of manufacturing cell with fix-proportion and varying product mix patternChan, Wai-ming
1998Machine scheduling problems with a common due windowYeung, Wing-kwan
2018Magnetic topology analysis of the switched reluctance motor for torque improvementZhu, Jingwei
2016Magnetic-field induced luminescence via strain-mediated couplingWong, Man Chung
2007"Mainland house" : a spatial-cultural study on Hong Kong people buying house/home in the Pearl River DeltaTsang, Siu-yin
2020Making chengzhongcun from within : identity and space in migrants' everyday livesFeng, Lei
2011The making of a policy advocacy project : the case of hope development accountLiu, Shun-chi
2013Making sense of grounded cognition : the interplay of actual and simulated sensory experiences of tasteSi, Kao
2017Management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) by complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approachesFung, Ka Man Jo Kamen
2007Mapping tourist movement patterns : a GIS approachLau, Wai-chi Gigi
2008A Market Inquiry and Customer Relationship Oriented (MICRO) Business Intelligence (BI) platform for small and medium enterprise (SME) in the trading industryLi, Fuk-lam
2002Mass spectrometric studies on alkali metal cation affinitiesTam, Kam-fai
2006Mass spectrometric studies on protonated and alkali metal cationized [beta]-amino acids and [beta]-peptidesChan, On-ying
2017Mastectomy bra and prosthesis design innovation for Hong Kong mastectomy patientsLeung, Ting Fong
2018Mathematical modelling of the spread of mosquito-borne diseases and childhood infectionsZhao, Shi
2016Matrixmap : programming abstraction and implementation of matrix computation for big data applicationsHuangfu, Yaguang
2005Measurement and dispersion prediction of gaseous and particle emissions from on-road vehicles in Hong KongNing, Zhi
2014Measurement and estimation of labor productivity in Hong Kong public rental housing projectsJiang, Chen
1998Measurement of atmospheric hydrocarbons and air quality in Hong KongCheung, Tsz-fai Vincent
2009Measurement of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and the implications to photochemical pollutionZhang, Jiamin