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Showing results 990 to 1009 of 1544 < previous   next >
2019Object detection in video surveillance using deep learning approachesHe, Chenhang
2016Objective priors under the alpha-divergence measuresSun, Dayu
2001Ocular parameters of Hong Kong-Chinese in relation to RGP contact lens wearCheung, Sin-wan
1999Olefin epoxidation catalyzed by ruthenium porphyrins using dioxygen as oxidantChan, Wing-hang
2010On driving techniques for high-brightness light-emitting diodesLun, Wai-keung
2019On optimization methods for speech signal processingHe, Qi
2022On radiation-based thermal servoing : perception, modelling, control, and experimentsHu, Luyin
2016On storage, search and object identification of video sequenceWu, Hao
2010On the equivalence of global quadratic growth condition and second-order sufficient conditionChen, Zhangyou
2019On the hawkes' processes and its application on A-H sharesLiu, Qian
2015On-time delivery probabilistic models for stochastic vehicle routing problemsZhang, Junlong
2019Only child's lived experiences of taking care of ageing parents in mainland ChinaZhang, Yu
2011Ontology learning in Chinese for information search and managementLim, Hon-yeung, Edward
2020Open innovation and firm performance in high-technology industriesCheung, Wai Wa
2008The operational stability of a refrigeration system having a variable-speed compressor (VSC)Chen, Yiming
1999Opportunities and constraints of real estate development in China : a case study of ShanghaiWong, Yim
2006The opportunity recognition framework of Hong Kong SMEsTong, Chung-sze Phyllis
2017Optical and electrical properties of two-dimensional materialsTan, Choon Kiat
2010Optical assessment and electromagnetic therapy for peripheral blood circulation in people with diabetesSun, Jiahui
2021Optical fibre sensor in medical applicationLaw, On Kit