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Showing results 1432 to 1451 of 1569 < previous   next >
2001Tear volume and tear film stability in relation to soft contact lens wear in Hong Kong-ChineseChui, Wan-sang
2001Techniques for low bit-rate video codingWong, Kwok-wai
2002Techniques for reducing the computation effort of matching pursuitsCheung, Kin-pong
1999Techniques for task scheduling in practical parallel and distributed systemChan, Wai-yip
2012Technologically new products and value creation : an event study and the moderating effect of knowledge characteristicsLiu, Xiaojin
2014Temperature effect on the evolution of hydrides in zirconiumHao, Mingjun
2012Temperature projection in Hong Kong using remote sensing and dynamic modellingTo, Pui Hang
2007Terminology extraction using contextual informationJi, Luning
2003Test methodologies for analogue cores of system-on-chipKo, Koon-yuen
2003Testing multimedia software using Hybrid Control Flowgraph-Petri Net approachCheng, Ka-fai
2014Testing serial correlation in partially linear additive modelsYang, Jin
2008The theme park experience : its nature, antecedents and consequencesLo, Shuk-ting Doris
2018Theoretical chemical kinetics of atmospheric reactions with near-zero and negative barriersChow, Ka Chun Ronald
2004Theoretical simulations of debris flow and their applications to hazard mapping using GISLo, Kwok-hung
2020Theoretical study of Lorentz non-reciprocal cylinder gratingsWong, Wai Chun
2017Theoretical study of nonlinear and non-hermitian electrodynamics in chains of plasmonic nanoparticlesMok, Tsz Chung
2017Theoretical understanding on the formation mechanism of two dimensional materialsQiu, Lu
2015"There is no escape the daily grind" :everyday lore of Chinese gamersZhang, Ge
2000The thermal and electrical properties of carbon black/liquid crystalline polymer compositesLo, Kwan-leong
1999Thermal and mechanical properties of a ferroelectric copolymer P(VDF/TrFE)Hui, Ngai-man