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Showing results 2208 to 2227 of 4706 < previous   next >
2023An integrated knowledge-based remote sensing technique for coastal water quality monitoringKwok, Yin Tung Coco
2016An integrated marketing and engineering approach to product line design with consideration of remanufactured productsAydin, Ridvan
2022An integrated path flow estimator methodology for multi-modal transportation networksLi, Guoyuan
2015Integrated planning of berth allocation and quay crane assignment problemsMa, Hoi Lam
2021Integrated product design with consideration of remanufactured products and return uncertaintiesGeda, Mohammed Woyeso
2016Integrated remediation of metal-contaminated soils : biodegradable chelant-enhanced extraction and in-situ stabilizationBeiyuan, Jingzi
2024Integrated remote sensing and machine learning techniques for solar forecasting and resource assessmentChen, Shanlin
2023Integrated smart pavement systems for environment monitoring, localization, and traffic data collectionWang, Yuhao
2018An integrated spatial metrics and texture analysis method for classification of urban land cover and land useRuiz Hernandez, Ivan Elias
2016Integrated spectral and geometrical information for road extraction from VHR satellite imagesMiao, Zelang
2011An integrated summarization framework with hierarchical content representationOuyang, You
2013Integrating extensive reading into China's English language curriculum : the case of a Shanghai senior high schoolHe, Mu
2006Integrating knowledge management into market orientation : impact on hotel performanceChien, Chun-lun Grace
2022Integrating remote sensing and machine learning technologies for coastal water quality monitoring in Hong Kong and the Pearl River EstuaryHafeez, Sidrah
2013Integrating statistical and judgmental tourism demand forecasting approaches : the case of Hong KongLin, Shanshan
2012Integration of a remote source solar lighting system into the architectural design of enclosed lift lobbies in high-rise residential buildingsWong, Irene
2017Integration of long-term SHM data into bridge condition assessmentXia, Yunxia
2004Integration of multi-source data for automated building extractionKhoshelham, Kourosh
2014Integration of multi-source lunar orbiter camera imagery and laser altimeter data for precision lunar topographic modelingGuo, Jian
2016Integration of multiple-constellation GNSS for long-range real-time kinematic positioningXu, Ying