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Showing results 3173 to 3192 of 4712 < previous   next >
2023Optimizing the performance of operations-finance interface by implementing supply chain finance schemesHuang, Chaorui
2022Optimum and sustainable supply chain management of modular integrated construction using operations research and blockchain technologiesHussein, Mohamed Mamdouh Yusuf
2004Optimum condensing temperature at part-load operation of air-cooled chillers for energy efficiencyYu, Fu-wing
2024Optoacoustics-based defect inspection and material characterization for multiscale structuresHe, Yi
2015Optofluidic reactors for photocatalytic water purificationWang, Ning
2018Optofluidic tunable lenses for in-plane light manipulationChen, Qingming
2019Organic electrochemical transistors for wearable sensingYang, Anneng
2022Organic thermoelectric materials from conducting metallopolymersLau, Mei Tung
2010Organic-assisted solid-state reaction method for fabrication of PNN-PT ceramics with superior ferroelectric propertiesYe, Yin
2016An organizational culture oriented study on brand design process in the context of Chinese enterprisesCheng, Shen
2018Organizational cynicism : a social information processing perspectiveXiao, Jialing
2001Organized structures and their interactions in the turbulent wake of circular cylindersZhang, Hongjun
2009Organometallic reactions in ionic liquids : formation and reaction of organoindium, organozinc and organomagnesium reagents with imines and carbonyl compoundsLaw, Man-chun
2015Organosilicon-based in situ sol-gel technology for multifunctional textilesLu, Hai Feng
2018Orienting attention for pain attenuation in patients with chronic low back pain : a study of mechanism using event-related potentialPeng, Jiaxin
2016Origin of oqxAB and its contribution in fluoroquinolone resistance in salmonella spp.Wong, Ho-yin Marcus
2024Orthokeratology for high myopia (OHM)Yang, Yajing
2023Outlier-aware GNSS/INS/visual integrated navigation system in urban canyonsBai, Xiwei
2002Output sensitivity of MLPs derived from statistical expectationZeng, Xiaoqin
2011Overhead-aware real-time scheduling for streaming applications on multiprocessor systems-on-chipWang, Yi