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Showing results 4173 to 4192 of 4706 < previous   next >
2011A study on the relationship between parental religious involvement and child development in Hong KongYeung, Wai-keung Jerf
2010Study on the shape memory mechanism of SMPUs and development of high-performance SMPUsJi, Fenglong
2022Study on the temperature and time dependent stress-strain behaviour and consolidation of a soft marine clayey soilChen, Zejian
2015A study on thermal environmental control, indoor air quality and energy efficiency using task\ambient air conditioning (TAC) systems in sleeping environments in the subtropicsMao, Ning
2022A study on three contemporary issues in the shipping industry : cost, COVID-19, online platformHan, Tingting
2012Study on time-dependent stress-strain behaviors of clayey soilsTong, Fei
2019A study on using personal profiles for a biased reader emotion prediction modelLong, Yunfei.
2006A study on various fabrication routes for preparing multilayered cubic boron nitride films and sp3-like boron nitride filmsWong, Sing-fai
2018Study on vehicular emissions of VOCs and OVOCs by using multiple measurement techniques in Hong KongCui, Long
2015Study on wind turbine wake characteristics and layout optimization with Hong Kong offshore wind power potential assessmentGao, Xiaoxia
2002Study strategies of Hong Kong University students in a self-access language centreLai, Lai-kwan
2022Study the novel group 10 TMDS materials for pulsed laser applicationsCheng, Ping Kwong
2006Study the permeability of multi-layer woven fabricsLiu, Yi
2006Study the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) with foamed bitumen in Hong KongHe, Guiping
2021A study to investigate radiation-induced and non-radiation-induced carotid atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunctionLi, Yuanxi
2024Studying liquid sulfur in lithium-sulfur batteriesShi, Fangyi
2013Subgradient methods for convex programming and quasi-convex programmingHu, Yaohua
2021Subgroup analysis for heterogeneous Cox model and statistical inference for panel count data with terminal eventHu, Xiangbin
2024Subject-object asymmetry in native and non-native speakers’ comprehension and production of Mandarin relative clausesKong, Deran
2022The subjective meanings of emotions in danger zone tourism and their implication on self-identityManner Baldeon, Fanny Katherine