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Showing results 4193 to 4212 of 4706 < previous   next >
2013A suboptimum- and proportion-based heuristic generation method for combinatorial optimization problemsXue, Fan
2022Subsidy policies for reducing diesel emissions from in-use construction equipment in Hong KongHuang, Zhenhua
2023Substructuring methods for responses, response sensitivity, and model updating of nonlinear systemsTian, Wei
2024Subtitling as multimodal representation : a corpus-based experimental approach to text-image relationsChen, Zhuojia
2018Success factors of the emission trading scheme to reduce emission in China's buildingsNi, Danfei
2014Super-resolution study via interpolation techniquesHung, Kwok Wai
2024Superior mechanical properties and multiple strengthening mechanisms of additively manufactured face-centered cubic high entropy alloysWang, Yilin
2020Superstition and IPO initial returnChen, Xiaoqi
2020Supervised statistical inference for data of versatile dimensionality with application to GWAS studiesXu, Sheng
2021Supervisory feedback : a mixed-methods multi-perspectival studyNeupane Bastola, Madhu
2005The supply chain advantage : development of a strategic business model for the Hong Kong clothing industryHo, Chi-kuen
2011A supply chain collaborative model : integrating the design, operation and measurement stages of supply chainLam, Chi-yung
2011Supply chain flexibility and responsiveness : an empirical analysis of the Chinese textile and clothing industryYi, Ying
2006Supply chain performance measurement in textile and apparel industriesCao, Ning
2020Supply chain resilience : scale development and its performance impact under different business conditions and disruptionsLi, Chunsheng
2023Supply chain resilience and social welfare enhancement under COVID-19 pandemicXu, Xiaoyan
2013Supporting design and technology education at high schools in China through the integration of social networking and computational design techniquesJiang, Hao
2020Supporting development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through culture-based innovation : expanding the Saudi national festival for culture and heritage into a national project for innovation and designBakhotmah, Fawaz Abid
2022Supporting new product development using customers’ online data and computational intelligence methodsYakubu, Hanan
2015Supporting product innovation using 3D shape grammars within a generative design frameworkCui, Jia