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Showing results 4577 to 4596 of 4726 < previous   next >
2023Universal design in public housing : an ethnographic study on enhancing the quality of life of older people with mild cognitive impairment living aloneKing, Pui Yuk Alex
2019Unravelling sharing economy : experiences from Hong KongLai, Ka Wai Michael
2023Unsupervised learning for deformable medical image registrationZou, Jing
2024Unveiling the function of trehalose in autophagy, macrophage polarization and microbiota regulation in inflammatory bowel diseaseLi, Yue
2022Upconversion lasing from metal halide perovskites with different dimensionalitiesGao, Wei
2021Upcycling waste concrete aggregates by accelerated carbonationFang, Xiaoliang
2009Upgrading of reinforced concrete beam-column joints and columns by passive dampersChung, Sau-kwai Tracy
2022Upscaling infrastructure asset management systems under complex uncertainties to network assets using machine learningAsghari, Vahid
2019Urban computing with building data : an applied transfer learning approachZheng, Zimu
2018Urban digital map construction and update for location based service in mobile sensingPeng, Zhe
2018Urban informality and infrastructure planning : the study of Hong Kong SAR and lagos metropolis for sustainable urban design strategiesSoyinka, Oluwole Abayomi
2023Urban living with nature : design for human-nature interactions in communal green spaces at residential high-risesIp, Chung Man
2022Urban travelers’ pro-environmental behaviorsQin, Qun
2012Urinary factors affecting renal stone diseasePoon, Ngork Wah
1997The use of diagnostic ultrasound in assessment of the reproductive status of the bottlenose dolphin, tursiops aduncas, in capacity & applications in management of a controlled breeding programmeBrook, Fiona
2006Use of intelligent system techniques for storage and retrieval of biometrics data with application to personal identificationCheung, King-hong
2018Use of language strategies for hotel website evaluation in ChinaQian, Jianwei
2009Use of MERIS data to detect the impact of flood inundation on land cover changes in the Lake Chad BasinIbrahim, Asma Turadu
2005The use of metallic effects in the innovative design of textile fabricsJiang, Shouqiang
2018The use of phrasal verbs in engineering English : a corpus-based study of extended units of meaningLeung, Sze Ning Maggie