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Showing results 1242 to 1261 of 4712 < previous   next >
2014Early functional changes in human diabetic retina : a multifocal electroretinogram studyLung, Chun Yee Jenny
2019The early product concept prototyping strategy in participatory design processLee, Yu Hin Brian
2008Earnings quality, analysts, institutional investors and stock price synchronicityZhou, Jing
2023An east meets west theory of depression : from Zang Fu to neuroscienceYe, Jiajia
2017Eco-friendly construction materials prepared with light weight and rubberised concreteZhang, Binyu
2012Eco-functional assessment of grocery shopping bagsMuthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan
2011Econometric analyses of container shipping market and capacity developmentFan, Lixian
2010Econometric analysis of tourist expendituresWu, Chenguang
2020Economic analysis of location behaviour for maritime service clusterLi, Mengchi
2008Economic and informational consequences of voluntary adoption of international financial reporting standardsShi, Haina
2018Economic incentives of green buildings : focus study on the gross floor area concession schemeFan, Ke
2022Economic operation and transactive energy management for microgrids with distributed energy resourcesLyu, Cheng
2019Edge-side resource management for data-driven applicationsHu, Chuang
2007The effect of a Chinese translated brand name cue on brand associationsFu, Siu-fong Isabel
2003The effect of a nurse initiated patient/family education strategy on people with schizophrenia in BeijingLi, Zheng
2005The effect of a nurse-led cardiac rehabilitation programme on patients with coronary heart disease in Chengdu, ChinaJiang, Xiaolian
2009Effect of Acu-TENS on airway obstructive diseaseNgai, Pui-ching Shirley
2016The effect of acupressure for managing agitation in nursing home residents with dementia : randomized controlled trialKwan, Yiu Cho
2011Effect of acupressure on women with urodynamic stress incontinenceChang, Ka-pik Katherine
2022Effect of an African circle dance programme on mental health in internally displaced adults with depressive symptoms in Africa : a quasi-experimental studySalihu, Dauda