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Showing results 1879 to 1898 of 4712 < previous   next >
2024Gait regulation in individuals with unilateral transfemoral amputation : from neural dynamics to movement coordinationHu, Mingyu
2013Game strategy indexing, learning and optimization in real time strategy (RTS) games using soft computing techniquesNg, Hiu Fung
2016Game theory analysis of green procurement in sustainable supply chain managementMa, Xin
2024GaN-based optoelectronic devices for liquid properties detectionLu, Gaofei
2017Gap plasmon resonances in metal film-coupled nanoparticles for enhanced photoluminescence and nonlinear optical emissionLi, Guangcan
2013Gas and vapor transport through nano- and micro- fibrous materialsShou, Dahua
2005Gas detection using photonic crystal fibersHoo, Yeuk-lai
2009Gas discharge in hollow-core fibers and its application in waveguide gas lasersShi, Xin
2009Gas sensors made from electrospun nanofibers doped by functionalized carbon nanotubesYang, An
2018A gaussian process-based multi-sensor metrology system for precision measurement of freeform surfacesLiu, Mingyu
2017Gender analysis of the one-child policy : the impact on gender inequalities in ChinaNowak, Martyna Krystyna
2011Gender and occupational knowledge : the effects of rater variability on the assessment of ESP oral performanceLiu, Weiwei
2004Gender differences in the perception of laboratory-induced noxious stimuliSoetanto, Lai-fong Angie
2018Gendered use of metadiscourse in the workplace email of British marketing professionalsMcKeown, Jamie
2019A general and unified theory of flux-modulated electric machines and its application to innovation of machine topologiesChen, Yiduan
2022Generalizable deep learning for structural health monitoring : from graph formulation to domain adaptationChen, Sixin
2002Generalized convexity in optimizationYang, Xinmin
2012Generalized form characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces using an invariant feature-based pattern analysisRen, Mingjun
2005Generalized Newton-type methods and their applicationsLing, Chen
2000Generalized pseudo-excitation method and its application for vibration control of wind/seismic resistant buildingsZhang, Wenshou