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Showing results 2049 to 2068 of 4706 < previous   next >
2004Identification and molecular characterization of differentially expressed gene(s) among LeMDR1 (Leishmania enriettii Multidrug Resistance 1) mutants using suppression subtractive hybridization technologyWong, Lai-king
2012Identification of damages in steel structures using guided wave methodLu, Mingyu
2005Identification of factors that influence the behavioural intentions of nurses toward mechanically ventilated patients : a test of the theory of reasoned actionChow, Chum-ming Meyrick
2021Identification of L2 interpretese : a corpus-based, intermodal, and multidimensional analysisXu, Cui
2022Identification of neuroprotective targets for diabetic retinal neuropathyLam, Hang I Christie
2019Identification of potential molecular pathways and genes that induced hepatocellular carcinoma by various genotypes of HBx gene in transgenic mouse modelChiu, Pan Heung
2015Identification of protein-ligand binding site using machine learning and hybrid pre-processing techniquesWong, Yi Kwan Ginny
2014Identification of structural damage based on locally perturbed dynamic equilibrium : a "pseudo-excitation" (PE) techniqueXu, Hao
2018Identifying gene-gene interactions associated with complex diseases and complex traitsZhou, Xiangdong
2007Identifying myopia susceptibility genes by family-based association studyTang, Wing-chun
2021Identifying privacy issues in mobile apps via synthesizing static analysis and NLPYu, Le
2017Identifying risk factors for severe injuries in rugby playersMirsafaei Rizi, Rezvan
2000Identifying the needs of Chinese family caregivers of children with cancer in Hong KongKuan, Hau-yee
2024Identity and representation in the political discourse of Jerry John RawlingsGanaah, John
2019Identity construction of les milieux de memoire sombre : an interpretivist approachDimache, Alexandru Octavian
2019Ideological representations of Chinese Muslim groups in Chinese and U.S. media (2001-2015) : a comparative approachYe, Meng
2017Image colour visualization for fashion e-commerce based on multispectral colour imaging technologyTang, Wing Shan
2019Image reflection removal based on image gradient regenerationLi, Tingtian
2004Image retrieval and characterisation by spatio-chromatic informationLee, Sze-man Michelle
2014Image-processing techniques for robust face recognitionJian, Muwei