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Showing results 2411 to 2430 of 4706 < previous   next >
2014Keratin composite nanofibrous anti-tumor drug delivery systemZhang, Jing
2023Kernelization for edge modification problemsKe, Yuping
2019Key features of thermochemical pretreatment induced lignin structure to saccharification and fermentationDong, Chengyu
2015Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of wheelchair fencingChung, Wai Man
2004The kinetics and mechanisms of removing atrazine by catalytic oxidation processes with or without the UV irradiationChan, Kwai-hing Ada
2019Kinetics control in runners in natural-running conditions after completion of a laboratory-based gait retraining programZhang, Hanwen
2022Knowledge acquisition for affective analysisXiang, Rong
2010Knowledge acquisition methods facing real estate enterprisesLi, Min
2012Knowledge agent theory (KAT) for knowledge activation in the leagile manufacturing environment of the soft goods industryChan, Yan Yu
2018Knowledge and representations : the meaning making process in the curriculum of mathematicsXia, Li
2002Knowledge base Internet search for construction and real estate information systemPang, Chung-kit
2008Knowledge based decision support system in the design and control of warehouse operationsChow, Ka-ho
2014A knowledge-based decision support system for managing logistics operations under risk considerationsLam, Hoi Yan
2010A knowledge-based electronic meeting system for implementing value management in construction briefingLuo, Xiaochun
2004Knowledge-based understanding and interpretation of construction engineering drawingsCao, Yang
2024Label and computation-efficient deep segmentation for images and point cloudsLi, Ruihuang
2023Label-free metabolic imaging for sensitive and robust monitoring of anti-CD47 immunotherapy response in triple-negative breast cancerYang, Minfeng
2006Laboratory pull-out testing study on soil nails in compacted completely decomposed granite fillSu, Li-jun
2022LaGeo : a latent and geometrical framework for path and manipulation planningZhou, Peng
2014Land development in urban villages in China : constraints and evolution from an institutional perspectiveLai, Yani