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Showing results 2895 to 2914 of 4706 < previous   next >
2014Named entity disambiguation from web textXu, Jian
2009Nano composite phase change materials microcapsulesSong, Qingwen
2014Nano functional scaffolds for tissue engineeringLi, Lin
2016Nano structured curcumin-silk fibroin drug delivery system by supercritical technologyXie, Maobin
2004Nano-plasticity in BCC and HCP metalsLiu, Xiangli
2024Nanobubble-assisted ultrasound theragnostics in cellular immunotherapy for cancersJiang, Yizhou
2022Nanocomposite-functionalized fibre-reinforced polymer composites with integrated self-sensing and monitoring capabilitiesSu, Yiyin
2020A nanocomposite-inspired broadband sensing network coating for acousto-ultrasonics-based in situ structural health monitoringLiao, Yaozhong
2007Nanocrystals embedded in HfO2-based dielectrics as charge storage nodes of nano-floating gate memoryLee, Pui-fai
2020Nanofabrication of plasmonic structures for photothermal applicationsXu, Zhourui
2020Nanofiber based light-matter interaction for high performance laser spectroscopyQi, Yun
2023Nanomaterial-based exosome detection and engineered exosome-nanomaterial complex for combinatorial cancer immunotherapyZhang, Ruolin
2006Nanopatterning by atomic force microscopyTang, Qian
2010Nanoporous membrane based biosensor for cell behaviour study via impedance spectroscopyYu, Jinjiang
2021Nanoscale precipitation and mechanical properties of coherent precipitation–strengthened high-entropy alloysFan, Lei
2023Native point defect tuned lanthanide persistent luminescence materials for theragnostic and photocatalysisLu, Lu
2022Natural porous and two-dimensional materials for efficient solar energy conversionSaleque, Ahmed Mortuza
2020Nature-inspired microfluidics network for organ-on-a-chip applicationMao, Mao
2023Navigating Chinese cities to achieve 17 sustainable development goals : progress evaluation, interaction analysis, and scenario-based projectionXiao, Huijuan
2017Nd³⁺-sensitized UCNPs with superior luminescent properties, anisotropic growth and luminescent janus systemGuo, Shuai