Browsing by Department > School of Accounting and Finance

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 142  next >
2022Abnormal accounting growth and analyst forecastsZhai, Weihuan
2012Accounting conservatism : effect of contract incompleteness, moral hazard and board gender diversityZhou, Gaoguang
2008Accounting conservatism and the structure of CEO compensationWen, Yantu
2024Accounting standard-induced regulatory capital management : evidence from the new lease accounting standard ASC 842Anani, Makafui
2020Aggressive CEOs and bank mergers and acquisitionsJi, Mingming
2023Analyst mother tongue language negativity and forecast optimismLiu, Zihua
2013Are reverse merger companies more likely to be delisted? : evidence from US-listed Chinese companiesLi, Lok Yan
2011Audit committee characteristics, family control and earnings management : evidence based on Hong Kong firms after the corporate governance reform in 2004Wong, Ka-lok
2017Audit firm alliances and audit quality : international evidenceLi, Xiao
2004Audit quality and earnings management : empirical evidence from China's stock marketQiu, Aini
2015Auditors' response to analysts' forecast properties : some evidence from audit pricingFoo, Yin Yen William
2013Can volatile economy situation shake the world factory position of China?Li, Yee Lan Rachel
2022Can you have your cake and eat it too? A tale of cybersecurity and operational efficiencyLiu, Ruiqi
2024CEO empathy, corporate policies, and firm valueCui, Li
2006CEO equity compensation, external monitoring and earnings qualityYang, Qinqin
2017CEO political ideology and credit risk assessmentLi, Shuo
2015CEO political ideology and firms' financial reporting practiceZhang, Yu Tony
2012CEO turnover and internal control material weaknessesLi, Beidi
2018CFO power and accounting conservatismNing, Ping
2022Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking : the effect of earnings manipulation on the application of paycheck protection program during the Covid-19Wang, Ben