Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology

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Showing results 427 to 446 of 467 < previous   next >
2003Synthesis and characterization of heterobimetallic complexes and their application on conversion of carbon dioxide to organic compoundsMan, Man-lok
2018Synthesis and characterization of novel polyethylenimine-based photoluminescent nanoparticles for bioimagingYao, Yuan
1999Synthesis and characterization of osmium dihydrogen and ruthenium indenyl complexesHung, Mei-yuen
1999Synthesis and electrochemical studies of copper catalysts for nitrite reductionYeung, Kin-wai
2009Synthesis and electrochemical studies of some ruthenium aquo complexes with N-substituted dipyridylaminesLee, Kam-han
2003Synthesis of chiral binaphthol derivatives and their applications in asymmetric alkylation, sulfoxidation and conjugate additionSu, Liming
2008Synthesis of chiral diphosphine ligands derived from diols and tartaric acid derivative via diastereomeric couplingChan, Shu-sun
2015Synthesis of multi-component polymer particles via seeded-emulsion polymerizationYam, Chun Ho
2015Synthesis of nanoscale quaternary chalcogenide and their heterostructures for photocatalytic hydrogen evolutionHa, Enna
2003Synthesis of novel chiral bipyrimidine diphosphine and aminoalcohol ligands and their application in asymmetric catalysisChen, Gang
2003Synthesis of novel chiral dipyridylphosphine ligands and their application in Ru- and Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation reactionsWu, Jing
2004Synthesis of novel chiral P-Phos derivative for asymmetric catalysis and development of air-stable and recyclable chiral catalyst systemsLam, Kim-hung
2002Synthesis of novel chiral phosphinite, phosphite and phosphinous amide ligands and their applications on the asymmetric catalytic reactionsGuo, Rongwei
2013Synthesis of Pt and Pt-based electrocatalysts for direct liquid fuel cellsZheng, Fulin
2018Synthesis of ultra-low Pt loading catalysts for direct liquid fuel cellsLuk, Sin Yee
2020Synthesis, biological evaluation, femtosecond broadband time-resolved fluorescence and transient absorption study on 8-hydroxyquinoline derivativesChung, Po Yee
2007Synthesis, characterization and application of smart magnetic core-shell polymeric particlesHo, Kin-man Edmond
2022Synthesis, characterization and application studies of some phosphorescent charged iridium (III) and platinum (II) complexesGuo, Zeling
2008Synthesis, characterization and applications of amphiphilic core-shell particles with polyvinylamine-based shellsLi, Weiying
2016Synthesis, characterization and photophysical studies of triazine-based lanthanide(III) β-diketonate complexesLo, Wai Sum