Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Mathematics

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Showing results 102 to 121 of 174 < previous   next >
2010On the equivalence of global quadratic growth condition and second-order sufficient conditionChen, Zhangyou
2019On the hawkes' processes and its application on A-H sharesLiu, Qian
2018On the lasso regression and asymmetric laplace distribution with applicationsShi, Yue
2002On the mixture models in survival analysis with competing risks and covariatesChoi, Kai-chow
2023On the modelling of high dimensional time seriesChung, Kam Hin
2013Optimal coherent feedback control of linear quantum stochastic systemsBian, Chuanxin
2013Optimal design of distributed microphone arrayGao, Mingjie
2019Optimal investment problems over a finite time horizonZhou, Wenxin
2013Optimality conditions of semi-infinite programming and generalized semi-infinite programmingChen, Zhangyou
2011Optimality conditions via exact penalty functionsMeng, Kaiwen
2000Parallel database query optimization using genetic algorithmChung, Shu-ning
2001Parallel mean curvature vector submanifolds in the hyperbolic spaceLeung, Yiu-chung
2011Parameters estimation for jump-diffusion process based on low and high frequency dataZhu, Cai
2010Polynomial optimization and its applicationsZhang, Xinzhen
2008Portfolio improvement and asset allocationYu, Kwok-wai
2016Positive semi-definiteness and sum-of-squares property of hankel tensors and circulant tensorsWang, Qun
2001Prediction models of rainfall in Hong KongCheung, Tsz-wai
2024Prediction system in big data analyticsTang, Wai Man
2004Pricing American options without expiry dateYu, Kwok-wai
2005Proportional hazards models for survival data with long-term survivorsZhao, Xiaobing