Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Mathematics

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Showing results 84 to 103 of 174 < previous   next >
2010Multiobjective optimization problems, vector variational inequalities and proximal-type methodsChen, Zhe
2014Near-field beamformer design problemsLi, Zhibao
2023New frameworks for image segmentation methods involving variational models and neural networksLiu, Chaoyu
2023Nonparametric Bayesian statistics harnessing the forces of data in change-point detection and survival analysisZhong, Chong
2016Nonparametric statistical inference for survival dataHao, Meiling
2022Numerical analysis and computation of some nonlinear evolution equationsMa, Shu
2020Numerical methods and analysis for some partial differential equations with nonsmooth structureWang, Kai
2011Numerical methods for interest rate derivativesZhou, Hongjun
2005Numerical simulation of an open premixed turbulent V-flame using contour advection with surgery : determination of flame surface density and overall burning rateTang, Hiu-yeuk Blossom
2015Numerical solutions of a diffusive interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of statePeng, Qiujin
2001Numerical studies of open swirl-stabilized turbulent premixed flamesZhao, Qiwei
2002Numerical study of risk management modelsCheng, Hei-tung
2016Objective priors under the alpha-divergence measuresSun, Dayu
2011On competing risks data with covariates and long-term survivorsTan, Zhiping
2023On optimal consumption, investment, and life insurance under consumption path-dependent preferencesZhang, Qinyi
2019On optimization methods for speech signal processingHe, Qi
2023On the beamforming designHe, Qi
2021On the enhancement of signals in the presence of noiseWang, Qingzheng
2010On the equivalence of global quadratic growth condition and second-order sufficient conditionChen, Zhangyou
2019On the hawkes' processes and its application on A-H sharesLiu, Qian