Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Physics

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Showing results 366 to 385 of 403 < previous   next >
2024Tammann temperature-guided synthesis of efficient and stable core@shell ruthenium-free catalysts for ammonia decompositionXiong, Pei
2021Theoretical design of two-dimensional catalysts for nitrogen reduction and oxygen evolution/reduction reactionsYing, Yiran
2022Theoretical investigation of two-dimensional materials as promising electrode materials for Li-ion and Li-S batteriesFan, Ke
2006Theoretical studies on domain structures in ferroelectricsTsang, Chun-ho
2016Theoretical study of diatomic plasmonic chains : Zak phase and spatial-temporal symmetriesLing, Chi Wai
2020Theoretical study of Lorentz non-reciprocal cylinder gratingsWong, Wai Chun
2017Theoretical study of nonlinear and non-hermitian electrodynamics in chains of plasmonic nanoparticlesMok, Tsz Chung
2021Theoretical study of nonreciprocal electromagnetic wave propagation by effective medium approachLee, Kai Fung
2020Theoretical study of nonreciprocity in gyromagnetic material based metasurfaceYau, Wang Tat
2020Theoretical study of topological gyrotropic lattices with dynamic long-range interactionsWu, Pak Hong Raymond
2000The thermal and electrical properties of carbon black/liquid crystalline polymer compositesLo, Kwan-leong
1999Thermal and mechanical properties of a ferroelectric copolymer P(VDF/TrFE)Hui, Ngai-man
2023Thermal-assisted electrochemical synthesis of fluoride-free MXenes for efficient energy applicationPang, Sin Yi
2002Thermally optimized linear pyroelectric arrayFung, Wing-man
1999Thermoelectric power of thin filmsNg, Chi-fuk Astric
2000Thermomechanical analysis of bambooAu-Yeung, Wai-leung
2005Thickness effects in ferroelectric thin filmsLi, Kwok-tung
2018Thin film transition metal chalcogenide based gas sensorsNg, Ngai Hang
2007TiO2 coating on NiTi by low-temperature methods for enhancing corrosion resistanceWong, Man-hon
2024Topological hall effect in bismuth/chromium telluride heterostructures and chromium telluride thin films with self-intercalationYan, Zijun