Browsing by Department > Department of Building and Real Estate

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Showing results 31 to 50 of 417 < previous   next >
2012Barriers to Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) promotion : a transaction costs perspectiveQian, Kun Queena
2022A best practice framework for implementing residential modular integrated construction projects in Hong KongWuni, Ibrahim Yahaya
2017A best practice framework for public-private partnership implementation for infrastructure development in GhanaOsei-Kyei, Robert
2022Best practice public-private partnership (PPP) models for delivering smart infrastructure development projectsJayasena, Nimesha Sahani
2022BIM divide : a hybrid approach to the adoption and implementation of BIM by construction small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries - the case of NigeriaSaka, Abdullahi Babatunde
2011A BIM-based Pre-occupancy Evaluation Platform (PEP) for facilitating designer-client communication in the early design stageShen, Weilin
2018Biomechanical evaluation & mitigation of occupational safety hazards related to manual rebar tyingUmer, Waleed
2023Capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT in classifying crane-related accident reportsLin, Haolei
2022Catalyst development and air electrode structure engineering for rechargeable Zn-air batteriesDai, Yawen
2021CCTV-based deterioration patterns of sewer pipelinesSalihu, Comfort
2006Characterization of porous construction materials using electromagnetic radar waveLai, Wai-lok Wallace
2023China-nepal railway construction : gravity model based geo-economic feasibility study and effects on regional development as cross-border transport infrastructureXie, Angxi
2010Combination of mediation with arbitration : Chinese mainland and Hong Kong perspectivesTian, Jun
2010The "community question" in the state-led urbanization process of post-reform China: a case study of ShanghaiXu, Ying
2022A community resilience assessment framework for university townsAbdul-Rahman, Mohammed
2010Competitiveness for real estate developers : a China studyZhang, Xiaoling
2005A conceptual model of success for design and build projects in the public sector of Hong KongLam, Wai-ming
2015Construction equipment reliability analysis and failure predictionFan, Qing
2008Construction industry development and government policyChan, Wing-tung Patrick
2012Construction knowledge mining and application of generalized fuzzy network in construction decision managementZhou, Yuguang