Browsing by Department > Department of Building and Real Estate

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Showing results 240 to 259 of 418 < previous   next >
1999Major cost overrun factors for mega infrastructure projects in Hong KongMok, Tat-fai
2017Management of schedule risks of prefabrication housing production in Hong KongLi, Zhengdao
2002Managerial, political and legal approaches to urban renewal in Hong KongLiu, Wai-man Raymond
2017Managing construction safety in Chinese international contractors' overseas projects : a case in VietnamGao, Ran
2021Managing occupational psychological health of Ghanaian construction employeesFordjour, Genevieve Ataa
2022Managing the inspection process of concrete bridge decksAbdelkhalek, Sherif Ibrahim Farag Mohamed
2014Measurement and estimation of labor productivity in Hong Kong public rental housing projectsJiang, Chen
2018Measuring human behaviour on information asymmetry : a case study about shrinkage of flat sizes in Hong Kong from new institutional economics perspectiveMa, Yuen Tung.
2009Measuring the performance of value management studies in constructionLin, Gongbo
2018Measuring tourism coopetition networks of scenic villages : case study of Dapeng PeninsulaSun, Yao
2018The mechanisms of public urban green space provision : urban fringe casesWang, Anqi
2009A method to assess the competitiveness of property developersQuan, Zhen
2022Mirror-aided point cloud data acquisition and scan planningLi, Fangxin
2000Mitigating contractual variations in building construction projectsLai, Man-kai
2023Mobile crane safety in the construction industry of Hong KongYuen, Hou Yee
2022A model approach for conservation of historic blocks to address property rights and financing issues of historic cities in ChinaGuo, Nan
2016A model for energy performance contracting (EPC) in Hong KongLee, Pan
2012A model for sustainable Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit (BEER) using Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) mechanism for hotel buildings in ChinaXu, Pengpeng
2013A model of output specifications for public-private partnership projectsJaved, Arshad Ali
2024Modeling and optimization of fuel flexible and reversible solid oxide fuel cells for energy conversion and storageWang, Chen