Browsing by Department > Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Showing results 156 to 175 of 416 < previous   next >
2015Frequency-domain buffeting analysis of a long-span twin-box-deck bridge with distributed buffeting loadsZhu, Qing
2018Frequentist and bayesian approaches for probabilistic fatigue life assessment of high-speed train using in-service monitoring dataWang, Xiao
2021Fresh and hardened properties of ambient cured one-part alkali-activated pastes along with superplasticizersAlrefaei, Yazan
2024FRP-coated steel rebars for durable concrete structures : development and performanceZhang, Yiwen
2015FRP-confined curvilinearized square concrete columns under axial compressionZhu, Jiongyi
2018Functional characterization of adipocytes in regulation of liver cancer stem cellsGurung, Shilpa
2020Fundamental and comprehensive characterization of the mobilisation and blending of aged and unaged binders in reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) mixturesSreeram, Anand
2022Generalizable deep learning for structural health monitoring : from graph formulation to domain adaptationChen, Sixin
2019Genome-based insights into the characteristics of anammox bacteria for nitrogen removal from wastewaterJi, Xiaoming
2021Genomic analysis elucidating celluloysis of chemical enhanced primary sludge in anaerobic digestion toward crabon neutral sewage treatment in Hong KongZhuang, Huichuan
2019Geomechanical behavior of methane hydrate bearing sediments : from laboratory to field scaleXie, Xiaoguang
2023Global airborne bacteria and antibiotic resistome from natural distribution to anthropogenic impacts : community structure, biogeography, driving mechanism, and human healthZhao, Jue
2021Heterogeneous chemistry of N₂O₅ and CINO₂ in China : implications for parameterizations, particulate nitrate formation, and impact on atmospheric oxidative capacityXia, Men
2022High-performance lightweight concrete with ultra high-performance binderLu, Jianxin
2024High-seismic-performance framed structures enabled by novel shape memory alloy elementsHuang, Jiahao
2022High-strength engineered cementitious composites incorporating artificial geopolymer fine aggregatesXu, Lingyu
2023Homogeneous and heterogeneous photodegradation of naphthalene and 1-naphthol in water by iron-catalystsSo, Hiu Lam
2014Hybrid FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular columns under static and cyclic loadingZhang, Bing
2018Hybrid model of neural network and population-based optimization algorithm for river flow and sediment loadChen, Xiaoyun
2016Hydraulic characteristics and plant-microorganism micro-ecosystem of sand-sludge soil (Eco-Soil) for anti-desertificationLiu, Yaohui