Browsing by Department > Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 416 < previous   next >
2022Application of biochar in sustainable cement-based compositesChen, Liang
2021Application of novel methods for the measurement of acidic ultrafine particles in the atmosphereLu, Haoxian
2019Application of ultrafiltration membrane in advanced treatment of secondary effluent for water reuse in Hong KongHuang, Xiaoxuan
2017Application of warm asphalt rubber as a sustainable paving material : component interaction mechanism investigation and performance characterizationYu, Huayang
2024Assessment of the environmental, ecological, and social impacts of river restoration projects in Hong KongChen, Yang
2014Automatic incident detection under no-rain and rain conditionsLi, Xiangmin
2018Automatic information summary and extraction from construction video monitoring systemsChen, Ling
2020A Bayesian blind source separation by embedding Gaussian process prior and applications on structural health monitoringXu, Chi
2017Bayesian-based methodology for progressive structural health evaluation and prediction by use of monitoring dataWang, Youwu
2019Behavior and modeling of compound concrete-filled FRP tubular (CCFFT) columnsZhou, Jiekai
2014Behavior and modeling of RC columns confined with large-rupture strain FRP compositesBai, Yulei
2018Behavior and modelling of RC beams with an FRP-strengthened web openingNie, Xuefei
2014Behavior of FRP-confined self-compacting concreteFang, Xiaoliang
2024Behavior of hybrid FRP-UHSC-steel double-skin tubular columns and beamsZhao, Menghan
2018Behavior of large-scale hybrid FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular columns subjected to concentric and eccentric compressionXie, Pan
2013Behavior of large-size FRP-jacketed circular and rectangular reinforced concrete columnsZhang, Yue-xin
2020Behaviour and design of high strength circular hollow and concrete-filled tubular stub columns under uniaxial compressionChen, Junbo
2023Behaviour and modelling of elliptical FRP tube-confined reinforced concrete columnsLiu, Kaicheng
2017Behaviour and modelling of large-scale FRP-confined rectangular and curvilinearized rectangular RC columnsZeng, Jun-jie
2017Behaviour and modelling of large-scale hybrid FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular beams with shear connectorsZhao, Jun-liang