Browsing by Department > Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Showing results 42 to 61 of 414 < previous   next >
2019Behaviour of CFRP-timber bonded jointsZhu, Jia-ming
2022Behaviour of FRP-confined concrete composite stub columns with HSC and ECC under monotonic and cyclic loadsLI, Shuai
2015Behaviour of typical pavement subgrade materials in Hong Kong under portable falling weight deflectometer testLeung, Lai Ming Gordon
2019Bonding condition monitoring and evaluation of CFRP strengthened RC structures with piezoelectric sensorsLi, Lingfang
2020Carbon nanotube-based hierarchical fillers modified cementitious composites for smart structuresDing, Siqi
2023Changes in asphalt binder at molecular and microstructural levels during aging and rejuvenation and the effects on binder rheological propertiesLi, Fangjin
2020Characterisation of anaerobic digester microbiome in various operating conditions using next-generation and third-generation sequencing technologiesLam, Yu-chung
2018Characterisation of soil spatial variability and applications in ground explorationLiu, Wenfei
2023Characteristics, sources and formation mechanisms of organic aerosols in the atmosphere of Hong KongYao, Dawen
2022Characterization and quantitative analysis of asphalt fumes generated in asphalt pavement materialsHao, Gengren
2016The characterization and source identification of airborne particles in Hong KongGao, Yuan
2020Characterization of inhaled hazardous particulates in asphalt pavement constructionMo, Shicong
2023Chemical characteristics and health risk assessment of indoor PM2.5 in Chinese residential homesZhang, Zhuozhi
2019Chloride emissions inventory from open biomass burning in tropical Asia for 2008-2018Liang, Liang
2012Comfort assessment of tower-like slender structures under typhoons and earthquakesLiao, Weiyang
2020A comparative study of rail and bus travel by low-income households in the Hongkong household travel surveyHuang, YI
2017Comparison of environmental performance of steel and reinforced concrete buildings by linear and nonlinear analysisYu, Han
2020A comparison study of the performance of commercial ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes for advanced wastewater treatmentZhu, Yu
2017Compound modification of asphalt mixtures for low-noise, low-emission and durability purposesLin, Shiying
2013Computational models for FRP-confined concrete and FRP-confined RC columnsXiao, Qiongguan