Browsing by Department > Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Showing results 399 to 416 of 416 < previous 
2018Ultimate limit state analysis in geotechnical engineering using discrete element method, plasticity and extremum principleLi, Na
2019Ultra-high performance engineered cementitious composites (UHP-ECC) : mechanical behavior of material and structural membersYu, Kequan
2023Uncovering the characteristics of urban rail transit networks in ChinaXu, Yingying
2022Understanding and analysis of bicycle travel and safetyDing, Hongliang
2018Understanding and modelling of transient air-water flows in urban stormwater drainage system : with a focus on spring-like geyserLi, Fei
2020Understanding environmental and economic trade-offs in sewage-derived energy systems : a stoichiometric life-cycle approachAlvarado Roman, Valeria Isabel
2021Upcycling waste concrete aggregates by accelerated carbonationFang, Xiaoliang
2022Upscaling infrastructure asset management systems under complex uncertainties to network assets using machine learningAsghari, Vahid
2023Use of waste glass in geopolymer based repairing materialsAli, Hafiz Asad
2018Using alkali-activated slag ferrocement to strengthen corroded reinforced concrete columnsFang, Shuai
2018Valorisation of carbohydrate-rich food waste for synthesis of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)Yu, Ka Ming
2022Valorising polysaccharide-rich waste into value-added chemicals in green solventsDutta, Shanta
2018Value-added recycling of construction waste wood into eco-friendly cement-bonded particleboardsWang, Lei
2017Vibration attenuation for high-speed trains using magnetorheological (MR) dampersYe, Shuqin
2021Vibration-based electromagnetic energy harvester : energy performance, vibration control, and frequency tuningCai, Qinlin
2019Vibration-based structural damage identification using sparse recovery and sparse bayesian learningHou, Rongrong
2021Waterborne epoxy resin modified bitumen emulsion as a high-performance cold paving binder : working mechanism and engineering performanceLi, Rui
2019Wind resistance tests of metal roofing systems under dynamic actionsLi, Jianjun