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Showing results 433 to 452 of 1070 < previous   next >
2007Financial time series representation, visualization and miningFu, Tak-chung
2007Finding and estimating near optimal queriesWong, Wing-sze
2008FlashyPath : a Flash-based visualization tool for Internet path measurementChun, Ping-lim
2024Forecast the future : dynamic natural language understanding in evolving social media environmentsZhang, Yuji
2018Forecasting Hong Kong Hang Seng Index stock price movement using social media data analysisLau, Wai Tak
2002Forecasting near-future Hang Sang [i.e. Seng] Index with data mining techniquesLui, Hing-nin.
2004A framework for high quality palmprint acquisition and effective palm line extractionWong, Ming-keung Michael
1997A framework for implementing business process reengineering : a case study of IT-enabled business transformation in a typical clothing company in Hong KongLau, Wai-man Ray
2002A framework for scalable (mobile agent based) distributed mining of association rules over the InternetWu, Sui-lun
2009A framework of fuzzy variable precision rough sets and its applicationsZhao, Suyun
2021From unidimensional sequence prediction to multidimensional spatial prediction with deep neural networksLi, Zhuo
1999The fuzzy expert system for personal investment strategyWong, Wilson
1999Fuzzy expert system for target marketing planning of an electronics manufacturing companyTong, Ka-hung Shereen
1997A fuzzy expert system prototype for credit analysisLam, Man-fat Gordon
1998Fuzzy rule extraction from neural networkWong, Chak-wing
2007The fuzzy time series prediction system using chaos theory and fractal dimensionKwong, Ng-fung
2013Game strategy indexing, learning and optimization in real time strategy (RTS) games using soft computing techniquesNg, Hiu Fung
2005Gene expression data and cancer correlation analysis by Emerging Pattern Based Projected ClusteringYu, Tsz-him
2022Generalizing oversampling methods from euclidean space data to graph structured data for the class imbalance problemLiu, Yongxu
2006A genetic algorithm based approach for clustering categorical dataLee, Ho-kei Sean