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Showing results 459 to 478 of 1069 < previous   next >
2024Graph anomaly detection with diverse supervision signalsZhou, Shuang
2009A graph based evolutionary algorithmWong, Shing-yue Samuel
2012Graph based image segmentation and evaluationPeng, Bo
2021Graph learning for point cloud generation and reconstructionLi, Yushi
2011Graph mining applied on social mediaWu, Chunxue
1999Graphical representation of 4-dimensional information space (4DIS) using virtual reality modelling language (VRML)Cheng, Chi-ho
2005Group-based data and location management in mobile environmentsLam, Hoi-kit
2013Group-based techniques for identifying top-k degrees in hidden bipartite graphsWang, Jianguo
2005A guidebook for intellectual property issues in software outsourcing project managementChai, Wei
2016Hardware/software codesign for performance and lifetime enhancement in NAND-flash-based embedded storage systemsChen, Renhai
2021Hashtags, emotions, and comments : a large-scale dataset to understand fine-grained social emotions to online topicsDing, Keyang
2018Heterogeneous information fusion in network embedding for data mining applicationsXu, Linchuan
2013High performance publish/subscribe middleware for wireless sensor networkLai, Yi
2009High performance publish/subscribe protocols for wireless ad hoc networks using geographic informationZheng, Yuan
2010High resolution fingerprint additional features analysisZhao, Qijun
2024High-level programming support and collision avoidance control for heterogeneous mobile robotsChen, Jinlin
2021High-performance packing and searching for blockchain-based big data sharingJiang, Shan
2024High-performance scheduling of deep learning tasks in collaborative edge computingZhang, Mingjin
2012Higher education system model building and e-learning contribution evaluation : a case study in Polytechnic University of Hong KongNiu, Chenqing
2015Historical traffic-tolerant paths in road networksLi, Pui Hang