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Showing results 596 to 615 of 1069 < previous   next >
2024Label and computation-efficient deep segmentation for images and point cloudsLi, Ruihuang
2018Lag compensation in first-person shooter gamesLee, Wai Kiu
2021A large-scale empirical evaluation of test case prioritization techniques in facilitating spectrum-based fault localizationShang, Fang
2017Learning a lightweight convolutional neural network for visual tracking and facial attribute analysisZhu, Linnan
2019Learning and intelligent control of nonlinear systems using dynamic neural networksZhang, Yinyan
2021Learning based methods for color constancy and image enhancementXiao, Jin
2020Learning deep neural networks for image compressionLi, Mu
2020Learning deep neural networks for image compression and enhancementCai, Jianrui
2018Learning discriminative models and representations for visual recognitionCai, Sijia
2001Learning global feature weights for clustering and classification of casesLam, Bun Martin
2001Learning local feature weights for case-base reductionHo, Kwok-sze Keith
2023Learning on graphs with graph convolutionLi, Qimai
2019Learning representations for discovering patterns in networksHu, Pengwei
2014Learning representations with information on handJiang, Wenhao
2021Learning robust visual-semantic mapping for zero-shot learningGuo, Jingcai
2018Learning sparse graphical models for data restoration and multi-label classificationLi, Qiang
2021Learning to evaluate and enhance image qualityZeng, Hui
2017Legal awareness of consumers in using stored value facilities : the Hong Kong contextNg, Kwok Fai Martin
2022Less-constrained iris recognition using convolutional neural network for accurate personal identificationWang, Kuo
2021Leveraging deep representations in layered neural networks for domain adaptationMao, Sitong