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Showing results 695 to 714 of 1070 < previous   next >
2014Named entity disambiguation from web textXu, Jian
2024Neural abstractive summarization for long documentsLiu, Shuaiqi
2021Neural network and metaheuristic based learning and control of articulated robotic agentsKhan, Ameer Hamza
2006A neuro-fuzzy approach for stock forecastYip, Kwong-hung.
2011A new algorithm for the reduction of variable precision rough set and a feature weighted SVM with real applicationsHu, Yanxing
2017A new business model based on triple helix pattern for smart social networking servicesZhao, Tianjian
2010New document-context term weights and clustering for information retrievalDang, Kai-fung Edward
2014New generation of automated fingerprint recognition systemLiu, Feng
2021New insights into meta-learning : from theory to algorithmsChen, Jiaxin
2021New methods for image enhancement and camera ISP learningLiang, Zhetong
2019New query and analytics over large sequence data : a study on streaks and streamBai, Ran
2016Next generation biometrics : line scan palmprint recognition and door knob hand recognitionQu, Xiaofeng
2014Non-intrusive multimodal attention detectionSun, Jiawei
2018Nonlocal self-similarity based prior modeling for image denoisingXu, Jun
2006A novel dynamic cache size tuning mechanism to support fast response on the Internet with applications to mobile and telemedicineWu, Sui-lun
1999Object model verification using knowledge base approachLee, Wai-kit Ricky
1999Object-oriented approach for timetablingChan, Choi-wing
2022On building trustworthy network systems with blockchain and TEELi, Zecheng
2017On consumers' perspective of electronic parcel lockers in e-commerce deliveryLam, Yuen-wah Eva
2014On coordination of cyber-physical systemsLi Tao